Rejuvenated Job Market?
Well, so they say… Now, my wife still can’t find work in web-land, aside from some small, personal contracts, but according to this article on Wired News, the job market is picking up. Of course, this...
View ArticleAnd, the “Three-Fingered Salute” goes to…
David J. Bradley. According to this article on GannettOnline, he’s they guy who invented the “ctl-alt-del” key sequence for rebooting a computer. Though it was intended as a developer’s tool, everyone...
View ArticleThe Return of Doctor Who!
They’re bringing him back for his 40th anniversary! No, really, a new Dr. Who series is going to be done for the BBC. For those of you who are big geeks like me, you already know who Dr. Who is. For...
View ArticleWhy off-shore outsourcing is a bad idea
Here’s just one example. You can’t control a foreign workforce with domestic laws. Oh, but that would never be a problem, right? WRONG! Check this story at the Sanfrancisco Gate. So, is it a good idea...
View ArticleHave a Coke and a Smile
Especially if you’re in IT! According to this article on AustralianIT, Coke plans to keep its IT operation on-shore for the next five years. Now, the article talks about Coca-Cola’s Australian...
View ArticleOpen-Source of Concern
for MicroSoft! At least, according to this article on Wired News. The software giant is starting to feel the tiny arrows of the Linux pygmy. Seems that the State of Massachusetts has been given a...
View ArticleI was going to write a “screed”
but, I lost the energy. So, last week Friday, I bust my butt to get a damaged server fixed and out into the overnight deliveries so that my customer, the end user, can get working again. Good for me,...
View ArticleOOoo, a scary spider case!
Here’s something that’s perfect for Halloween! There’s an interesting, little hobby that especially obsessive-compulsive artists go in for called “case modding”. It’s all about taking a normal PC and...
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